From Whom No Secrets Are Hid
We are rich conundrums of secrets,
we weave a pattern of lies in order to be
well thought of,
we engage in subterfuge about our truth.
We carry old secrets too painful to utter,
too shameful to acknowledge,
too burdensome to bear,
of failures we cannot undo,
of alienations we regret but cannot fix,
of grandiose exhibits we cannot curb.
And you know them.
You know them all.
And so we take a deep sigh in your presence,
no longer needing to pretend and
cover up and
We mostly do not have big sins to confess,
only modest shames that do not
fit our hoped-for selves.
And then we find that your knowing is more
powerful than our secrets.
You know and do not turn away,
and our secrets that seemed too powerful
are emptied of strength,
secrets that seemed too burdensome
are now less severe.
We marvel that when you find us out
you stay with us,
taking us seriously,
taking our secrets soberly,
but not ultimately,
overpowering our little failure
with your massive love
and abiding patience.
We long to be fully, honestly
exposed to your gaze of gentleness.
in the moment of your knowing
we are eased and lightened,
and we feel the surge of joy move in our bodies,
because we are not ours in cringing
but yours in communion.
We are yours and find the truth before you
makes us free for
wonder, love, praise – and new life.
Prayer by
Walter Brueggmann
I LOVE that -- I am moved and so happy after reading that! It chimes with what i say a lot and that is we are too hard on ourselves at times. We ALL have skeletons and we all have regrets but we are all children of God. Getting caught up in the daily grind moves us away from remembering that but I try to hold it close to me. Thank you for reminding me again!!!
Such a nice prayer.
Thank you for posting this beautiful prayer, Mary. It couldn't have come at a better time. I am feeling sadness and fear over something I've learned today. I needed this prayer. ♥
Lovely truth. Your work is so beautiful. Enjoyed my visit and catching up with your posts
This is a wonderful poem, Mary. Thanks for the link on the tape---and oh goodness, it's all fabulous. Your book is heading out tomorrow morning! Thanks again!
this is amazing Mary. I love this part..."our secrets that seemed too powerful
are emptied of strength,
secrets that seemed too burdensome
are now less severe." thank you for posting this...Stay safe from all snakes.....☺
Timely words. Insignificant secrets can cause deep wounds; time to heal some of mine...
Thank you, Mary.
(God uses you a lot, doesn't He?)
Oh wow....that was like an intense chiropractic adjustment for my heart. Wow...heard it crack deep down and now I'm "taking a deep sigh in His presence" too( and, okay, here come the tears). Huge thanks for posting that, Mary.-Jennifer
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