"Once we clearly acknowledge the soul, we can learn to hear it's cries. - Dallas Willard, Renovation Of The Heart."

It takes courage to pursue our dreams. It takes time and patience to unearth buried treasure. But I believe with all my heart that we must do both.


Finished last night

Finished this one last night.  I like the simplicity of a single element in the center. 

I think with these kinds of journal pages I would like to begin to make them more personal, with items from the day to day stuff  of life and personal photos. 

I hope you have a lovely day.  It looks like we could get some rain!!!

Oh, see the left border??  It's tape.  I have purchased a few rolls of the wonderful, fabulous decorative tapes available.  I could go nuts with this stuff!!!


Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

I am loving the deco tapes, too! I did go a bit crazy...but I won't go away on vacation! CuteTape.com and etsy have great selections!♥

Butterfly Works said...

I really like this one too Mary, I like the color and the composition and the tape does add so much....
We need rain too....it's look like rain all day but we haven't gotten any.....
Hugs and Blessings Sweet Girl,

Nessa said...

your blog into my fav's...i love it so much, so inspiring!!
love from belgium

Anonymous said...

ok...that's tape? wow..i want some!

and yes, the simplicity of your arrangement speaks volumes...it gives the viewer plenty of time to look around and think about what we're seeing...

ciao bella
i'm off to read your other posts!

creative carmelina

Butterfly Works said...

Oh Mary, I am so sorry about Flirt...that must hurt so much...how in the world did you know?
I will pray that the medicine will work fast and that he will feel better soon....makes me hurt to just think about it.......poor baby...
Hugs and Blessings

DJ said...

Yumminess~ !

Just Be Real said...

How very interesting Mary. Great job. Blessings.

Denise said...

These are so cute.

Butterfly Works said...

I hope they were upholsterd chairs; it's so hard to get the smell out......I am sorry this is going on...we will just have to unite in prayer that the meds will work or God will heal him......find us a Scripture and we will stand on it.....

Lily said...

I love your creativity!! It amazes me! :)

rachel awes said...

how fun that tape is
& love all the handwriting
& simplicity to be sure!
so pleasing to my eye & heart.x

Jennifer Richardson said...

I love the rhythm of the words....gives it a watery feel. Liberating! Now I want to go play with my pens and paints instead of sleep....must sleep. But soon......

Paula Phillips said...

Beautiful page Mary! I love that tape... tapes are SO addicting that's for sure.
Thanks so much for the well wishes you left on my blog. This broken ankle has been a huge challenge and I appreciate your kind works very much.
Much Love

Teresa said...

Fun stuff!!! I love your blog!

Buffy said...

This one is good,love the simplicity of it. The tape is a nice touch.

Martha Lever said...

This is a wonderful page and I love that tape. Where oh where???? Michael's?

Butterfly Works said...

Mary, please send me your email....

Anonymous said...

i like the tape too! your journal pages are so lovely -the blend of words and images. i love the colours in this one -warm and beach-like.