"Once we clearly acknowledge the soul, we can learn to hear it's cries. - Dallas Willard, Renovation Of The Heart."

It takes courage to pursue our dreams. It takes time and patience to unearth buried treasure. But I believe with all my heart that we must do both.


Sunday musings

(done on iPad using sketchbook express app)

i must admit that i was a little miffed at the anonymous comment left on my last post.

it was not an un-kind comment, but when i read it i immediately wanted to defend myself.

i have learned that when that happens i need to stop and ask myself the question why?

so i did.  

i really do think it's okay to use other writers, especially when what they say is what you 
would say if you could.  but the questions anonymous left, "what does Mary think, believe...
made me realize it would be good to sit down and write just that.  

i think i will make it an ongoing process...to keep writing what i believe...

so here is the beginning of my list, they are in no particular order...just thoughts flowing
from my mind and heart.

i believe we live in a fallen world
that we are all broken and in need of healing and restoration
i believe the world we live in is not the world we were created for
we were made for relationship with the God of the universe
i believe we are a stubborn people, thinking and choosing our own path, wanting to control our life
i believe when we take control we screw it up...
i believe there is a God who loves us enough to give up all to come to earth as a baby, walk this life sinless, giving his life to bring me/us back into relationship with the Father to restore, heal, change me
i believe he is good, even when i can't see it
i believe he wants what is best for me always, even if the process of achieving it causes me pain
i believe this journey to restoration, wholeness is a life long process and will not be finished till God takes me home or he comes again.
i believe though God is changing, working in my heart there is still more of me than him
i believe i still want my way more than his a lot of the time
i believe i am loved in my mess
i believe that nothing i do, good or bad changes that fact
i believe i want God's will for me in the deepest part of me
i know i struggle with selfishness
i believe there is an enemy of my soul, who desires to crush my heart, make me feel defeated, unlovable, worthless, un-restorable. who desires me to question the goodness of God and his heart toward me
i believe i am in a battle, and it's worth the fight
i believe life is hard and discouraging at times
i believe we need each other on the journey
and that the enemy uses my companions and loved ones to wound my heart, as he uses me to wound their's (meaning my words and actions)
i believe i am forgiven because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross...and only because of Jesus
all Jesus, even now...all Jesus
i know he is not finished with me
that he has a purpose for me
that i am not where i want to be in my journey
that i still struggle...

grace and peace to you


Anonymous said...

I love your picture and the way you post....just wanted to tell you that.


...Darlene said...

I believe in Father and you! Thank you for taking time to share our believes!!

espenavarro said...

Me gusta tu inspiración en Dios, tu trabjo es muy colorido y bonito! Te sigo desde ahora

caryjo said...

AMEN!! Agree with more than 90% of what you perceived and journaled.

Eden said...

Wow! Mary I love this! When I write what I really think and believe it seems to ring truer for me and others seem to respond in kind! Love your thinking and your truth! Life is hard, we are very loved and it's so worth it! Thank you for this post! Just AwEsOmE!

Brenda said...

Amen. Love this post!

Kim Mailhot said...

That you BELIEVE all of these things is proof of your open and seeking heart and soul.

Happy Monday, Beautiful One.

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

interesting couple of posts Mary. Seems anonymous might have accomplished what they hoped, more dialogue straight from your heart my friend :-)

Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

Amen on what you believe! Love your art on the Ipad..how clever are you. Must have missed that comment, but then again I usually don't read comments...except the ones on my own blog.

As for using someone else's words...well why reinvent the wheel when someone has said something that touched our heart so well we want to share that nugget with others...I am one that has been blessed by your sharing, because I know you are sharing what God is teaching you and I benefit also.

Besides...today my post has others words also...oh my!!

a joyful noise said...

We should not be shy about what we believe. As long as it agrees with the Word of God, we can't be too far off. Your drawing is delightful

Buffy said...

A beautiful post Mary!

Tracy said...

Amen to that. I don't usually leave comments, but yours was the first blog I found when I started to look for Christians who were art journalling. And I keep coming back. I have even been inspired to start my own blog, so 'thank you' for your inspiration and for being bold enough to lay out exactly what is in your heart.

Say It In Color said...

Haven't been here for awhile with the festivities of Christmas, etc, but SOOO glad I came today!!! I needed to read what you believe!!! It was real, comforting, and rang true for me in parts and in those areas I see God's sweet grace in my life and ALL of what you wrote was just what I needed to see! Loved it!!! I have begun reading the Bible Chronologically and from the "beginning" we are strong willed and trying to get our way in areas....and God still works His will in spite of our humaness....incredible.....I BELIEVE YOU ARE PRETTY AWESOME....especially the way you share!!! Happy New Year!!