Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers for our Flirtsy! She is home and doing quite well. They removed 7 stones from her little bladder. She will have to be on a special food for the rest of her life, but that's a small price to pay to keep those nasty stones away!!!
I picked her up this morning. While I was at the vet there was another lady there. Her two small dogs were on leashes, one a very old blind dog kept rubbing up against my leg (I did bathe this morning). I kept telling the doggie she had the wrong mommy!! I bent down to pet her and the other dog, on a leash too ran over and bit me!!!! Can you believe it!!! The lady knew her dog was a biter too. Well, the bite was not too bad, though it did bleed a bit. She was very sorry, and I could tell she felt horrible which made me say, oh it's okay, it's okay. (I have a tendency to do that - dismiss things that happen to me) I did ask if the dog had all it's required shots!! I went home dumped peroxide on my thumb and put a band-aid on it.
I got a call from the vet this afternoon, not asking about Flirt, but me! :) I had been thinking I might need a tetanus shot. Couldn't remember the last time I had one. The vet said I even though it was a small bite I should have it looked at and get the shot. So off the local Urgent care place. I was given a shot, and antibiotics!!!
I've been thinking the blind dog just might have been in on it, you know a team!!!! :) :) :)
So, I have a sore foot (my broken toe gets me every now and again) My thumb hurts, and I know my arm will be sore tomorrow from the shot!! All on my right side!!!!!
I think I'm gonna go have a glass of wine!! Well crap! I can't with the antibiotics!!!!! Well it's ice cream then!!!
Good grief Mar! I'd say you need a whole container of ice cream, although the wine would have been more effective in numbing the pain :-) Sometimes life is so unlikely you just have to shake your head and wonder if your in a day time Soap!
That's incredible Mary....bitten at the vet...who would ever have thought....obvioulsy your right side needs some love and attention so lavish yourself with ice cream and maybe a cookie too...or cookies cookies cookies
I am glad Flirt is OK. I have had her on my mind all day....It's scary how much she and Simon look alike....
Something is going on here...I got stung by a hornet yesterday pulling a weed and now you get a dog bite.....maybe we should stay home......
Hugs and Blessings
Glad Flirtsy is doing well.
Man oh man you are getting it from everywhere huh dear. I have to chuckle to think that you were bitten at a vets. Well, I guess it can happen anywhere. Glad you played it safe and received the shots. Blessings and healings to you.
Oh Girl,you had a bad day! You really deserve ice cream and the good kind,you know the one where you get the whole container to yourself. With all the flavors out there you might be able to find one with alittle bit of wine in it.Not that I would like that kind,I prefer choc,lots of it.Oh no now I want some ice cream! I'm glad you got the shot just to be safe,you never know but I am sorry that this all happened to you. Take it easy,do some art,eat some ice cream and you should be better soon.Big hugs! P.S I'm glad your kitty is doing good,he looks comfy,I think he needs alittle ice cream too.
Wow, what an adventure. Bless your heart.
I fear that some of my "Rain Cloud Over My Head" is rubbing off on you, Mary. Be careful about that dog bite, that's scary. I am sending good thoughts, a hug, and an extra prayer to you. Thank you for YOUR prayers for me. My kidney is having some tests but I will be going back to work tomorrow! I am having fun journaling with you, Lori and Martha, too! This makes me so happy♥!
Oh Mary what a pickle you've been in! Glad you went to get the tetanus shot though. Loved your humour at the end of your tale...was it Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie? x
Shoot Mary... this time of day you can take the wine with the antibiotics and if it puts you to sleep, well, so be it. I'm sorry that nasty dog bit you. I think you should send your bill for urgent care and shots to the dog's owner.
yeah, crap happens all right.....and i'd say you've had your fill for one day!! take good care of yourself.....your toe....your foot....your thumb.....your arm.....and sweet little flirtsy!! xox, :))
Mary!! So sorry to hear about your cat and YOU!! How crazy! Glad your kitty is OK!! Praying for you and Flirtsy to feel better soon!!
Oh, Mary! That stinks! I hope your whole right side feels better soon. I hope you can curl up on that porch bed all day tomorrow with a good book. I love you!
blessings of healing for both you and your kitty ...
Ice cream will help! Goodness, Mary! What a day! I hope you will feel better soon. Yes, I think they were in cahoots against you.
you are so dear to me, even though we have never met. I love your honesty! So sorry to hear about your adventures, take care of yourself. You gave me a chuckle this morning!
Oh no! Yes, you must eat the whole tub of ice-cream - it will make you feel better :-) The only time I got bitten by a dog was when I took my Mum's dog to the vet ....well, he didn't like where the vet put the thermometer and took it out on me! But glad your little cat is doing ok :-)
Remember that song from The Sound of Music..."when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad; I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feel so bad"? Hoping your finger heals quickly and that your favorite things keep playing across your mind until you're inspired and grinning again.
Oh, no! What a day! I hope all your "ow-ies" are better soon and I hope kitty is feeling better, too.
I'm doing a bit of catching up on all the blogs and I love love love all your new journal pages! I have several tapes I use, too. They can be addictive!
My goodness Mary..You are always into something.
I bet he did not like your
I hope you ate lots of ice cream to make it all better.
Wow...seems like such an adventure...
Glad your kitty is better...and hope that you will get better as well! Take care of yourself...
Wow, what a day you've had there. In any case, rejoice for this too shall pass!
Hope you are doing better today Mary. Thinking about you and your injury. Blessings.
I'm reading this kind of late, but Mary I hope your ate lots and lots of ice cream and added chocolate to it! You poor girl! Being bit by a blind dog at a vet's office sounds like something you would hear while watching a comedian entertain. You might be able to sell your story! ha
I loved this post despite the tragic subject matter. I laughed out loud at the blind dog being in on the whole thing.
Hope your pains are gone soon ~ Sherry
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