"Once we clearly acknowledge the soul, we can learn to hear it's cries. - Dallas Willard, Renovation Of The Heart."

It takes courage to pursue our dreams. It takes time and patience to unearth buried treasure. But I believe with all my heart that we must do both.


Connecting the Dots

Last Sunday my pastor reminded me again that my past, your past and all our yesterdays are the building blocks of God's continual redemption of our lives. He said, "God is writing a story, a book, with your name on it." He quoted Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The years teach much that the day never knows." I love that quote. Events that I thought were random and seemingly not connected were. As I look back at the chapters in my life I see how those events and circumstances were part of the bigger picture. It is helpful to me, especially during difficult times, to know that God is working and using everything for my good. My pastor also said, "The more we see the dots connect in the past, the quicker we begin to see the dots and plots of our story in the present."

Blessings to you all, and may we begin to see and connect our dots!!


Brandi said...

connecting the dots .. hmmm, I think I am going to pray about this .. that God gives me the eyes to see where the dots did connect so that I can grow in wisdom about the future .. so many of things that I thought God as put on my life .. those just the right moment times have turned on me .. and made me think that maybe I was just reaching and they were not really God things .. but this makes me rethink .. maybe they were, I just need to take the time to see the connections.
As always, thanks Mary .. and thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog, I get so happy when I see you have been visiting :)

Anonymous said...

good thoughts. i like the emerson quote.
also like buechner so much. my copy of listening to your life is all marked up and dog-earred.

Anonymous said...

Amen on that Mary! I've been realizing that exact thing myself! Thanks so much for the reminder. :)

Blessings & hugs,

The Charm House said...

I love you dear, sweet friend....

Unknown said...

Love you sister...

Marsha said...

Excellent post! I like the Listening To Your Life quote, too.

How are you and your family doing since your nieces death?

The Charm House said...

Mary, My dear friend Mary.... Tell your pastor that his sermon made my day! God spoke to me when I read your post, reread my profile and picked up a message from Women's blogger directory! I hope you will allow me to copy your post, I have a feeling it is going to be very important to my future!
Connect the Dots... I did that yesterday!
I love you.. God was good the day you came into my life!

The Charm House said...

Ok that will be great!!! Have you been to Lakewood 400 Antiques during the one weekend they are here every month?

Jeanette Carlstrom said...

Seems like I run into you everywhere I go here online. I love your art and view on life...guess that is why I run into you all the time. God Bless you and visit me when you have a chance. You might have run into me before as well.

Jeanette Carlstrom said...

I love being an Art teacher!!! Tell your daughter to get her teaching credentials and pick a college that offers solid art programs. With a love for kids and ART she can do so many things... teach art, start a local art program for kids, teach special needs kids (art is so important for these kids)... the list is long. Tell her good luck and to contact me if she has any ?s. Take care

RichinArt said...

What beautiful words - thanks, your writings always inspire me.

KunthanRaj said...

cool and rocking..pic


Teri Leigh said...

I did a bible study called Experiencing God and they call those dots, spiritual markers,kind of like the Israelites taking rocks from the Gordon River to remember what God had done. If you keep track of those markers you will see a pattern and how God is working in your life and where He has been leading you all along. The trick is to stay focused on God and not on the marker and ourselves. I'll let you know if I ever get that one figured out :)