"Once we clearly acknowledge the soul, we can learn to hear it's cries. - Dallas Willard, Renovation Of The Heart."

It takes courage to pursue our dreams. It takes time and patience to unearth buried treasure. But I believe with all my heart that we must do both.


musings on waiting

i desire, yearn for forward movement...

in my life, in my relationships, in my dreams...

but in the midst of these desires i believe there is a deeper desire.

i want to be 

W O N D E R   S T R U C K

in the waiting i want to be wonder struck!

I am reading a book with just that title, written by Margaret Feinberg. Oh please read her books. They are like a breath of fresh air blowing through a stale room. 

Listen to this.  Margaret was on a hiking trip with several other people.  After a days hiking they had stopped to rest and have dinner. After they ate, Margaret wanted to know what everyone's personal hopes, dreams, and desires for the trip as a springboard for a time of prayer.  When her turn came she said, "This sounds strange, she apologized, but I'm praying for pixie dust". She continues to say, "I might as well have vacuumed all the air out of the room. While a few stared uncomfortable at me, more than a dozen eyes darted back and forth in an almost unanimous expression: what have we gotten ourselves into?" She continues, "More than anything, what I long for is our God, the One who bedazzled the heavens and razzle-dazzled the earth, to meet us in such a way during our time in Scotland that we find ourselves awestruck by his goodness and generosity, his provision and presence. I'm praying for pixie dust. I want to leave here with a sense of wonderment as we encounter and experience things only God can do."

A pastor on the trip said this, "Margaret, I think what you're asking for is something me and my boys pray for often. You're asking for the favor of God. We pray for God's favor both in good times and bad - that we'd sense the reality that we're one of God's children, one of God's favorites, and wait expectantly for what God will do." 

Yes, yes, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to be fully alive, present, expectant in the waiting!  I want to experience the wonder of God in new and fresh ways!  

I think what I really want is more of Him!  

if you want to read my beginning thoughts on my one word, waiting go here. for other follow the label 2013 word - waiting below.


Nancy said...

Yes, Yes, Yes, I am with you girlfriend....I want more of Him too...This is a wonderful book that touches the heart deeply...I believe that your "waiting" this year will be fulfilled in a mighty way...

Jennifer Richardson said...

pixie dust,
the favor of a sweet Father,
a million yeses to this!
My heart is leaping around
the room over this, Mary:)
BIG thanks!
thank you thank you,

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

There's nothing quite like pixie dust living :-)