"Once we clearly acknowledge the soul, we can learn to hear it's cries. - Dallas Willard, Renovation Of The Heart."

It takes courage to pursue our dreams. It takes time and patience to unearth buried treasure. But I believe with all my heart that we must do both.


Second Saturday of Advent

Psalm 80:1-18; Matthew 17:9-13

Repentance - that turn of heart and mind.

Turning from what?

Turning toward what or better yet, who?

Turning from our way of doing life, of striving, of trying to get our needs and desires met.

Of expecting others to fill the void in our hearts.

Of expecting others to meet our needs and desires.

Every other thing, every other person we turn to other than God will eventually let us down.

Turning from I know what's best for me.

The truth is we don't really know what is best for us. We may think we are choosing wisely, but we do not have the big picture. 

If you believed there was a person who knew your heart down to it's deepest dark corners, it's deepest darkest secrets and still looked on you with love and compassion and acceptance.

If you believed there was a person who wanted to restore and heal the broken places.

If you believed there was a person who desired to give you the desires of your heart (some you don't even know you have yet).

If this person knew what you were made for, your purpose for being.

If you believed this person was good, and only wanted your best, always.

Would you choose to turn to this person???

If you do not believe, would you like to believe it to be true??

Are you willing to be open to the possibility of it being true?

He is not holding out on us - He is willing to show us if we just ask.

He does not come where He is not welcome.

What better time to ask these questions, than the time we celebrate his birth.

O Holy One Who Comes, we turn again to you, and we open our hearts, we open our minds, we open our entire beings to your approach. We ask for strength and wisdom that we may now prepare the way. We ask that all may receive you in joy.  Now and forever. 


(Prayer, Scott Cairns, God with Us)


Crooked Feather Studio said...

I really appreciate your advent posts they are always insightful and give me a fresh outlook for my day. Thanks :)

caryjo said...

Good questions. Good thinking.