"Once we clearly acknowledge the soul, we can learn to hear it's cries. - Dallas Willard, Renovation Of The Heart."

It takes courage to pursue our dreams. It takes time and patience to unearth buried treasure. But I believe with all my heart that we must do both.


new etsy listings


Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

JUST LOVE this..now I have them on my wish list for my daughter...they are great! What talent God has given you and you are giving it back to Him in this way.

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

I'm going to have to decide which to buy cause I want to say I have some of Mary's art! Beautiful art cards.

Poetic Artist said...

I am so excited for you..Your cards are perfect and and full of love just like you...I have missed seeing you and your blog..
Take care my special friend.

Odd Chick said...

your cards are so beautiful. i love the colors and compositions and symbols so much. super talented woman!

Jo Reimer said...

What a grand way to use these beautiful images! I hope they do very well at etsy.

Unknown said...

Sis I love each and everyone of your note cards...I would love to have the talent that you have. It's not just your art but the beauty from the inside out of YOU!!! (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

oh these are quite lovely Mary!! I am thinking I need one!!

Jane Farr said...

These are beautiful Mary! Are you printing them yourself? They are so vibrant. (I love the color coordinated pens!) :)

lori vliegen said...

well, now who could possibly choose?!! they're ALL magnificent!!! xox

S. Etole said...

It looks like you have been creatively busy ...

LeeAnn@Encouragement Is Contagious said...

So beautiful Mary! Always love the way you use bright color with your one of a kind creations!

♥Lee Ann

thekathrynwheel said...

Gorgeous! And I love your arty photos with glasses, pen and tea!

Jane Davies said...

Beautiful work! Thanks for commenting on my blog and joining my composition workshop. Nice quote from Fred Buechner. He lives up the road from me.

jgr said...

Love your cards and pretty pens, too!

Shelby and Bev said...

beautiful mary!

I hate to cook! said...

inspiring :)