"Once we clearly acknowledge the soul, we can learn to hear it's cries. - Dallas Willard, Renovation Of The Heart."

It takes courage to pursue our dreams. It takes time and patience to unearth buried treasure. But I believe with all my heart that we must do both.


Fourth Wednesday of Advent

Advent Reading

Psalm 25:1-14; Malachi 3:1-5; Luke 1:57-66

"It helps to ask ourselves the question Jesus so often asks the disciples: "Why are you afraid?" It helps to recall the burning bush God set before Moses, for God's fire did not destroy it. If we truly trust in God, we find more assurance than terror in the thought that God wants to purify us, so that everything false in us turns to ash, and only the good and true remain. To suffer is not a gentle thing, but the end results is pure honey." 

"This child was named by God, and it does not go easy for those who are touched by God's hand. "What, then," the people wondered, "will this child become?" I hear, in that question a restating of Malachi's truth. The Lord we desire may indeed be close at hand, but it will not be easy for us to accept his call. If we continue reading in the Gospel, we find the song that Zechariah sings in praise of God, called the "Benedictus" in church tradition, and commonly recited at Morning Prayer. In this song, we find that it is not merely John the Baptist, but we ourselves who are addressed: "And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way, to give knowledge of salvation to his people by the forgiveness of their sins."

"This was John's calling, and it is our own, a truth both consoling and terrifying. We are enslaved, by selfishness and addiction and all the wreckage that sin can wreck on the world, but are we willing to risk being freed? Do we dare to enter that dangerous new country, leaving sure comforts behind? Perhaps it is time to surrender, open our hearts, and accept the wonder of Christmas by saying, with Karl Rahner, "We have not choice, God is with us."  (Kathleen Norris, God With Us)

Come Lord, set us free!


Let it be.

31 years ago today, my oldest son was born.  31 years, where did all that time go. Brian was a great first child to have. He was happy and content most of the time.  He loved to laugh, he still does.  I remember sitting in I Hop with him when he was about 20 months or so.  We were chatting, yes, chatting, and he was smiling and talking the way that age does, just being his sweet little self.  A young man sitting by us asked me if he was this happy all the time, I said, "yes he is." Brian is our IT guy. He has been able to fix just about anything computer and mechanical related.  When something breaks we give it to Brian to fix.  

Brian, I thank God for the man you are and are becoming. My mother's heart wishes you did not have to endure some of the struggles you have had to over the past years, but I believe that God will use every bit of it for your good. Happy Birthday son, I love you! 


Anita said...

This painting is beautiful...I think it could be a favorite...is it new?...I don't recall seeing it before. Congrats on having a son who is helpful...my oldest is much the same way and it is a joy.

This was a good reading for me today...as everyday...God has been pushing out of the safe box I like to try to keep HIM in...I go through these stages where I feel like I have an understanding of who he is and those are the best of times all is well...life is good.. and then I go through these times where I find myself challenged in my knowledge of who He is... This is a stretching season for me and this was a good reminder that I really do want get past me so I can know him.

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

Happy Birthday Brian, hope you have a fun filled day!

Denise said...

So lovely.

Jo Reimer said...

"To suffer is not a gentle thing, but the end results is pure honey."
I needed to read this today. My friend Vicki died Tuesday , brain aneurysm. I think of her sitting down in her chair when she first felt the pain, knowing what was happening and knowing without doubt the presence of God at her side, ushering her through the pain and into a land of milk and honey. Today I rejoice that her long life of walking close to His side has resulted in her pure enjoyment of living in His presence for eternity. Thank you for posting this today.

S. Etole said...

this painting is a story in itself ... such rich words and image you have shared here