"Once we clearly acknowledge the soul, we can learn to hear it's cries. - Dallas Willard, Renovation Of The Heart."

It takes courage to pursue our dreams. It takes time and patience to unearth buried treasure. But I believe with all my heart that we must do both.


Second Tuesday of Advent

Advent Reading

Psalm 50:7-15; Amos 5:18-24; Matthew 18:12-14

Sometimes I think we are too busy doing for God, rather than just being with God. We can then loose the intimacy and the joy in the frenzy and the rush of life. God wants our obedience and our good works for sure, but most of all he wants us. He wants our hearts. And as we spend time sitting at his feet, our hearts are changed, we are changed.

Lord, during this busy season of shopping, parties, family gatherings and celebrations, may we make room for you in our schedules and in our hearts. May we take the time to just be with you.


If you followed along with me during Advent last year these Advent posts will be familiar.  I know for me, I need to be reminded again and again to narrow my focus in all areas of my life.  I also know that I can read the same scripture a second, third, fourth....time and it never touches my heart in quite the same way.  

Grace and peace to you all.


Pom Pom said...

This morning I read a poem written in praise of the poet's bed. I had to make the transfer and consider the words in light of the soft cushy resting place called surrender.
"Now I have unclasped
unzipped, stepped out of.
Husked, soft, a be-er only,
I do nothing, but point
my bare feet into your clean smoothness
feel your quiet strength
the whole length of my body.
I close my eyes, hear myself
moan, so grateful to be held this way."
~Meredith Holmes "In Praise of My Bed"
The Spirit is moving in our hearts from here to there, isn't He?

Valerie said...

I look forward to your advent encouragement each day. Thank you!

lori vliegen said...

a wonderfully timed message today!! and i know what you mean about seeing different blessings in the same Scripture......they always seem to change with our heart!! xox, :))

Poetic Artist said...

Thank you Mary as always for sharing your words and your thoughts and your prayers.

Jennifer Richardson said...

I find myself looking forward to
these nourishing nuggets:)
Thanks, friend,

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

Thank you Mary you bless and enrich our holidays with your posts, art and I just love seeing the wonderful things you have filled and decorated your home with.

Butterfly Works said...

Hi Mar, It's like all of God's guidance is in direct opposition to the world's....The world would say "Stop wasting time and get busy" and God says Come and sit with me and learn of me.......Isn't it wonderful to know His way is best and that when we take the time to be with Him, all else falls into place.

Thank you so much for these readings everyday...They are such a blessing...

Hugs and blessings