I went up to shower yesterday morning, and found this!!!
Yep, it's a shed snake skin!!!! It was not there the night before. Either one of our cats brought it in, or we have a rather large (3ft) snake slithering around!!!
My son came over last night and went through the bedroom - did not find it - said it could have gone out the way it came in. I live in an old home (160yrs) and there are lots of places, well not lots, but enough for it to have come in.
I slept out on the porch last night!!! My husband who HATES snakes braved the bedroom. He did take a cat with him upstairs!!!! Oh, the attic was converted into our bedroom, so when I say upstairs it's only our room.
I do have a funny story, as I said Greg hates snakes. One night he awoke from a bad dream, jumped out of bed yelling, snakes in the bed, snakes in the bed!!!!!! lol
Thankfully I did not hear that during the night!!
I am off to take a shower - upstairs - I hope it's not thirsty!!!!!
Sweetie, I would be so scared. I hate those things, please be careful.
Oh my goodness.....
Oh my goodness. I remember as a kid stepping on a snake, not seeing it baskin in the sun. Talk about a scream!!! From me not the snake!
I think your son is right: the snake went out the way it came in . . . and with any luck-it won't be back.
Mary, that is the most scariest looking thing! And to think that a snake may have physically been inside your house. I'm sure it was your cat that brought it in. It takes a while for a snake to molt....
But alas, you made me chuckle regarding your husband! Is he going to have more of those bad dreams?
Mar, Mar, I would sleep on the porch too....I am so scared of snakes...I would be like Greg and screaming all through the night...
It's very hard to get all the holes that animals come in patched...our cabin in the mountains is the same and often we have mice that get in...thank goodness for Simon....he likes to hunt....
Girl, keep sleeping on that porch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I'm glad you've not had a snake sighting as yet. I expect one of your cats did lug it in, they love to bring us presents even though we might not want what they value :-) And hey any excuse to sleep in your porch would work for me. I expect you picked up that I'm not overly scared of snakes, but that's only because we don't have any dangerous ones here in New Brunswick.
"yikes" I wouldn't be able to sleep until I found it. Hope you findit soon. Blessings
I would have been so frightened I'd have slept and showered at a motel rather than the porch. I hate snakes, even the good ones... blame it on Eve. I was raised where there were many different kinds of poisonous snakes and it's so good to be here in western Oregon where we (supposedly) have NO poisonous snakes. My cat has brought me little garden snakes as well as mice and shrews; I expect your kitty was the culprit, though I'd be on a mission to plug all the hole, were I you.
Oh gosh Mary! yikes! Be careful
No no no no no.... I would be more than cautious! Take extra care! x x
Oh my Mary! I too would have slept on the porch, at least on your beautiful porch. Once we came home from a vacation and found mice doo doo where my pillow sat before I took it on vacation! I came unglooed with fright!! Until we caught that thing, I slept in our backroom den on the futon for about 3 nights! I know my hubby thought I was overreacting, but I think I have a real phobia. Finally, we caught him and found out we had a crack in the foundation where he came in and then through a tiny crack in the corner of the wall. We plugged every hole we could find and have since not been bothered with them again. I understand the old house thing well!
Yikes is right!!! this would totally freak me out. Actually I am freaked out and don't even live anywhere near you.... :) And I love your last comment....you got a great sense of humor....
Mary!!! No way!! We just found a snake yesterday... or well... my dog did! It was curled up in the base of an azalea bush inside our fenced back yard snapping at our dog!! My hubby got it on a stick and put it up in the woods... yuk!! I can't imagine if one was in the house!!
I did not SEE this before.....Lordy, you are one brave lady!! Glad you changed your picture, I definitely would be in the wrong house! If you have some guest that you wish would leave, you can always tell this story!
looks like a black snake shed his skin....I have disposed of a few in my house from time to time..we live in an old house in the country also....all i can say is we do not have any mice....thanks to mr. black snake..... ;)
Like my mama would say, LORD HAVE MERCY!!!
I couldn't get that snakeskin off my brain after your email the other day...eeewwww..
Hope you're doing well. I've not blogged in a week, I think! But soon!
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