I need your help! I cannot leave comments on blogs that ask for a word verification any longer. After I click to post the comment it says "your word does not match", but it does not give me the word to type. Has anyone else had this problem???
Okay, I have snakes on the brain. I looked up and saw my post title "Help" then the words on my photo - "open wide" had a little chuckle to myself!!!!!!!
Okay, I called my son the computer guy - he suggested I switch browsers so I did. The "word" shows up in explorer but not in firefox. I had been using firefox forever, wonder what happened??? But at least now I can leave a comment!!!!
I LLOOVVEE YOUR WRITING!!!!! Makes my heart giggle....my friend lived in an old farm house and she called me one day screaming...."There is a snake in my knife drawer!!!" We ....with her husband,s help....discovered a hole in the old floor under the kitchen cabinet...there are other adventures of her in that old house that you have reminded me about....too long to recount....but THANKS!!!
Hi Mary,
Remember when I couldn't leave comments on your blog (and some others but not all of them) a while back? Well, I think it was a Firefox thing so I switch to Safari and problem solved. Whatever!!!!! Glad you figured it out. I pulled my hair out awhile before resolved mine.
Glad you had a techie son to call because I would have been no help to you :-)
Firefox has a lot of issues, although IE7 and 8 as well. It is a guessing game with these browsers. Sorry that you are having so much trouble Mary.
Happend to me yesterday once. I gave up. I use IE8. So nice you have that cute son to call.
Does this happen when you try and comment on my blog Mary?
LeeAnn it happened on any blog that had a word verification - I switched to explorer and I can leave comments again. yay!!
Glad it is working for you now.
Thank you for your sweetness! Hope your weekend is lovely!
pheww glad its working now :)
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