Can I really have been blogging for a year? Funny, it seems much shorter. I think of the old saying, "time seems to go by faster the older we get". In some respects that is true. I wonder if it is because we have more responsibilities, or have fuller lives?? Mine is not only fuller but richer because of blogging. I have met some amazing people that I would not have if I did not blog. It continues to amaze me, the connection, the community, the knitting of hearts of so many and we have not even met face to face.
I want to tell you all how much you have enriched my life, what a blessing you all are to me.
Below is my first post, it still rings true for me. I had no idea when I posted it how much it would.
Good morning to you all. I thought I would jump into the world of blogging. I have been wanting to begin one for awhile but unsure of how it would do has keep me from trying, but no more.
I had the hardest time trying to think of a title for my blog. In fact, I began setting this up a few months ago and could not come up with a title that spoke to me. So, I set it aside till I could. I was thinking about what I wanted this to be about. I did not want it to just be about me and my journey, but about yours too. Reaching out to others along the path of life. I am finding as I reach inward, it is causing a desire to reach outward as well. Yesterday during a time of reflection, I felt the nudge to come back to this. A title that resonated with me came to mind. A SPLENDID ADVENTURE Yes, that's it!! For that is what I am on. It may not always be fun, but it is splendid none the less. So off we go, and I am trusting it will lead to even more splendid adventures.
Congratulations on your 1st year blogging anniversary Mary! I am always happy to see your posts in my reader, because I know I will be inspired, nurtured, encouraged and most importantly - provoked and strengthened in my faith. (((hugs)))
Oh Mar, you have been so inspiring to me and I love to read your wonderful posts. I wish I knew you in person because we would certainly have MUCH in common. But I am so glad I have your blog to read and I always look forward to your posts. AND your art is fabulous too!!!
Congratulations Mary! I started mine in January and I agree totally with you. I seriously had NO idea I would meet so many wonderful people (including you!) and it's one of the best little adventures ever!
Your blog is wonderful!!
Hi Mar, that HELL-o caught my eye too and I just might have to fix that!!! Look again later and I will have adjusted that!
Congrats on a year of blogging. Your art work is beautiful.
Congratulations Mary and Happy Bloggerversary. I didn't realise our Blogs shared the same birth month :-) Your blog is always an inspiration, I've said it before and I'll say it again.......I want to paint like you! (And do you mind me asking - which paints do you use?) Congrats again, Kate
Happy blog anniversary Mary. I know your next year will be full of such encouragement to me and many others!
Congrats on the 1yr anniversary! I always love coming to your blog and seeing your artwork, and your comments on my blog are always so sweet!
Wow, one year on... congratulations Mary! I'm so glad I found your blog and I loved reading your first post. It's so great to be part of a blogging community, with like minded people sharing some pretty terrific art along the journey.
x x
hi mary!! congratulations on your blogiversary!!! i am so blessed to have met you....and i'm so thankful to you for sharing your splendid adventure with us!! hugs, :))
Happy first birthday, Mary. You're an inspiration.
Thanks for your comments on my blog this morning. It's good to know that someone else notices the chicken trucks, too.
Hi Mar! I think the ideas Julie had is great!! And I do think hanging it on a branch would be good too!
Congratualtions on a year of blogging Mary. You are truely a blessing in my life and so I am thanking God for you starting that first post and reaching out into the blogisphere and touching so many of our lives. Love ya and maybe some day we will meet :)
Hi Mary,
How much FUN that you live in GA, too. Woodstock even. Thank you for the comment, too. Congrats on your one year of blogging.
Hey Mary,
One year of blogging. Congrats..Is it not a blessing to find so many wonderful people all over this world. One of them being you.
Hi Mary - Congratulations on your Blog anniversary. I'm glad that you decided to start your blog. I love looking out for your new posts and seeing all your beautiful paintings. Here's to another wonderful year of creating, good health and happiness!!!
Hugs Barb
Thanks, Mar! Have a wonderful Sunday!
Hi Mary!
Thank you for being such a loyal person to visit me with love. I truly appreciate each time I see you with that smiling face at my blog, I then smile along with you. lol
Congrats, on your first anniversary!
Isn't it amazing how much blogging can add to our soul and help us to give as well, to grow and shoot up like fertile plants.
I have met some beautiful people in my short time blogging, it has been a blessing from God.
I thank you for coming into my life and sharing your world with me.
Hugs, Darlene xo
Hi Mary
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sincere and heartfelt comment. I especially was hit when you said "Christians don't have to be perfect", and just continue to work on your relationship with God.
Thank you for all the support.
I would love a book!:)
Your art is very fun and it looks like you are really enjoying yourself!
It is so nice to connect with you and Congrats on your 1 year blogiversary!
Chrissie Grace
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment.
I love your reasons behind journaling...especially your description: "Seeing past the masks we all wear to protect ourselves from getting hurt, and seeing the real heart behind the mask. Learning to love better."
I hope you're having a wonderful Thanksgiving.
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