"Once we clearly acknowledge the soul, we can learn to hear it's cries. - Dallas Willard, Renovation Of The Heart."

It takes courage to pursue our dreams. It takes time and patience to unearth buried treasure. But I believe with all my heart that we must do both.


Here again - swirling emotions!

Has your heart ever felt like this? Mine has, mine is. I posted these paintings a bit ago. I have a feeling they will be posted again. It seems God gives me times of rest, then boom!! Another issue, sin, wound, something to deal with. "Deal to Heal" I am not even sure what this one is!!! There is just something lurking under the surface of the cauldron that holds the junk in my life. And I am dealing with another whopper of a headache!!! :/ Are those related I wonder?? Or it could be the rain - a change in the weather has been known to bring one one!! Whatever the cause, may I just say it sucks!!!
And then the reason for the swirling of the stinky filled cauldron. God longs to make me whole. I have asked him to do so. So he must from time to time bring up the issues so he can. If I do not see them, if I am not even aware of them, how do I take them to him for healing?? So, even though they are hard, I am thankful for them. I know God will be with me every step of the way, has been with me from the beginning.

So my sweet precious blogging family, I covet your prayers. For seeing, for hearing for willingness and obedience.



ellie said...

Right here, Mar....and praying away for you...

lori vliegen said...

i SO agree...there's nothing better than our rainbow hearts just bursting with excitement after a nice rest!

i hope your headaches subside soon.... i'll be remembering you in my prayers, mary! :)

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Your heart painting is so beautiful! I love it!! I hope you are feeling better soon.

Debbie said...

I love the heart and I'll be praying for your headaches.

Unknown said...

Sis I have also been praying that your headache subsides, but most of all for the issue lurky just beyond your sight!!! I know in time God will allow you to see this one, but not till you are ready....please know my heart holds you so very close as you travel this journey to make you whole!!! (((Hugs)))

Sandra Hall said...

Mary, know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.... just one touch from the King changes everything. That's my prayer for you.

Love the swirling emotions art! Fab colours

saleluz-JESUS É O CRIADOR said...

Boa tarde Mary

A paz de JESUS nosso DEUS e salvador.

A luz semeia-se para o justo.e a alegria,para os retos de coração.
Salmos 97 ver.11

Diamantina MG BRASIL

meu site http://vemsrjesus.blogspot.com

Geraldo Barreto

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I want that wholeness too and going to definitely stand in prayer with you. Sarah

The Charm House said...

Isn't it funny how people can see things so differently.... When I first seen the painting I seen it as a heart bursting with joy and love. Even after your blog I still see it that way. The most important thing that I have learned about having a chronic illness is that God knows what He is doing when He sends us to the valleys and through All things we should rejoice. He brings blessings through every path we take when we are in His Will! He is so good - All the Time!
Mary, I hurt that you are going through these headaches. I wish I could tell you something positive about them, but only God knows the good that is coming from them. Somehow He is building YOU up or someone around YOU! I know, I have seen what HE has done in my family because of my illness!!!!
And yes..... I will have two weddings in 2010. Whit met her PRINCE CHARMING last spring. He fits her heart perfectly!
Can't wait to tell YOU all about him!!! Very soon I hope!
Love you,

Martha Lever said...

Oh Mar, another headache---I will pray pray pray. AND---oh goodie a surcee for me???? :)


Poetic Artist said...

Emotions are a strange thing. We just have to not go so much with our emotions and go with our faith..Wow is that ever so hard to do sometimes, when we can not see the direction we should go in.. I do hope your headaches get better. My prayers are with you my friend.

Jane Farr said...

I will pray for you Mary, as you yield to Him and "deal to heal."

Mollye said...

Hey Mary, I relate. Just as we feel we are "past" a certain issue Bam! it comes right back to smack us in the face and we have to start the process again. In my case I think the culprit is Pride. Love ya Mary. Mollye