"Once we clearly acknowledge the soul, we can learn to hear it's cries. - Dallas Willard, Renovation Of The Heart."

It takes courage to pursue our dreams. It takes time and patience to unearth buried treasure. But I believe with all my heart that we must do both.


Layers - Part 2

It has been pouring since yesterday afternoon. I am sitting on my screened porch, comfy, safe, from the storm outside. And safe from the storm inside. I am in a sweet spot right now. Life is not perfect, I am far far far from perfect, but I am content, resting in what God is doing in my heart. He is showing me I am not where I once was, and I am not where I will be when His work in me is complete.

Here is what He has been saying to me through the process of the paintings I spoke of in the previous post. I read it again and these phrases jumped out at me.

changed over time - He has and is changing me
finished appearance - I am not what I will be
self-taught - does not work - I need His guidance
lack of skill and knowledge - it's His skill and knowledge
be yourself - without all my many masks
layers, both pretty and ugly - there is much more work to be done - that's okay
make me who I am - He is molding me into the person I was created to be be
no longer fit - I cannot go back - I do not fit who I once was

It is so nice to rest in HIS hands!!

May you all have a blessed day,



Jane Farr said...

Great post Mary! :-)

ellie said...

Here's a virtual high-five, Mar!

Art by Darla Kay said...

mary, your posts just make all warm and fuzzy! Thank you so much!

Mary S. Hunt said...

one thing for sure
we all have lots of layers...
i think you can add that you have a layer of:
giver of inspiration and guidance
your posts are helpful that way...for me!

Anonymous said...

love these thoughts, mary. thank you.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

HIS hands, what a great place to rest! Beautiful post!!

lori vliegen said...

what a gorgeous post! thank you for sharing your heart with us, mary! :)

Sandra Hall said...

Hi Mary, I think the process of being made whole is uncomfortable sometimes! I love your thoughts here, you have a great gift of encouragement. Thank you:)

Maris Modesto said...

Very spiritually uplifting! I really needed this kind of spiritual boost, especially after ordering meds at www.orderdrugs.ca wwhich always reminds me of my constant struggle with depression. I recall a similar quote from my prof before where he told us that we are the tip of God's creative hands. Using our God-given talents is indeed the best way he reveals Himself to and through us.

Brandi said...

that vid was pretty cool .. cant believe someone could do that with sand and their hands .. crazy. no prob about your friend, life is busy!!!! xo xo

Poetic Artist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Poetic Artist said...

Sorry I had to delete the first one.
I needed your words and I am always thankful for you.

Mollye said...

Thanks Mary for giving us something to reflect on today. You are so wise.

Kendra@Creative Ambitions said...

Hi Mary! Great post. And thanks for stopping by my blog the other day ! I haven't posted anything in awhile...need to work on that! It's good to meet you. Your paintings are so cute!!

Poetic Artist said...

Hi Mary,
Thanks for your comment on my blog..I have something for you. If you have email..and you do not mind sharing..My email is on my profile.

Unknown said...

(((hugs))) Hi sis. Thank you so much for sharing your heart, and your growth...you never fail to inspire me! love you!!!

TonyaA said...

Hi Mary!
This is wonderful! Isn't it amazing what God can do with us!
Love you,

Teri Leigh said...

I love your honesty and how you share your heart. So much of what you say resonates with me. Life sure is not easy but we are never alone. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary!
So nice to visit you and thank you for your sweetness. I love the writen words from your heart and feel every word you wrote..


Hello, you have the most gorgeous site here and I had to leave this comment for you ! Your posts are lovely and you have interesting pictures. It's all perfect so thank you for sharing them all and best wishes....

Carol Sloan said...

Mary- This really touched a place inside me that has been dorment awhile. Thank you for listening and drawing me to your blog.

laurel said...

Ooh, yes! Great words/thoughts that resonate.