"You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above."
(John 19:11)
I know God is good. I know God can take a hard, a bad thing in my life and use it for my good.
He does not make the thing itself good, but he does cause good to come out of it. It might not seem like that in the middle of it. It might take years for me to see the "good" that came from the hardship, but I have come to trust just enough to know it to be so.
Sometimes it is a hard thing to accept, there is so much hurt, hardship, even evil in the world. It is not an easy thing to grasp - why does God, when he could in an instant change things, allow so much agony to happen?? I think that is something that will be questioned while there is life on this earth. It is a good question to ask. It will be a question asked until we know God enough to know he loves us with a passion, he is out father, he yearns for a relationship with us, he truly desires the best for us. Until we know his heart toward us is good all the time.
Some might say it is easy for me to say that, some might say you have a home, you have food and water, you have......... Yes, that is true, and I ask myself would I be able to say God is good and for me if my circumstances were different? I don't know, I would like to say yes, because I trust his heart. But..... I do know it is possible. I have witnessed it. I have seen and heard those in horrible circumstances still trust. I think because HE IS TRUSTWORTHY!!
I read this a few days ago, it caused me to stop and think on this again. Helped me to once again think through what I believed. I do not believe God "causes" evil. He cannot. He is good, not just does good, HE IS GOOD. Just like he does not just love, HE IS LOVE. I do believe he allows evil because he allows free will. I believe he allows the hard things to happen, but that he can and does take those hard things - again he does not make those things necessarily good, but causes good to come from them. (just a note here, I think that if we are not actively communicating with God during the hard things, asking for eyes to see, asking the questions, staying close to him we can become bitter and hard when life is tough. We need to keep open, mold-able hearts and minds)
"Isn't it glorious to know that no matter how unjust something may be, even when it seems to have come from Satan himself, by the time it reaches us it is God's will for us and will ultimately work to our good?" (Streams in the Desert)
Because God knows ahead of time what will happen, he see down the road, around every turn we make. He begins working for our good even before it happens.
"You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above"
May you all know and experience God's abundant love and grace.
It seems like every conversation I have today reminds me of Romans 8:28, as does your post. Thank you for saying this today.
Mary I know God's abundance love and grace because we've over the years had to deal with hardships most of which were our doing...you know trying to do things in our strength, not God's. I have finally realized when we listen to God's truths, and truly put it all at his feet He gives us the strength to get thru so many trials. Yes knowing that God loves us unconditionally brings such joy to my hubby and me...I have heard and am keeping my heart mind and soul on my FATHER in heaven knowing HE will bring us through anything...I praise HIM and surrender my all to HIM...
sniffff...I love you sis!!!
whoo! what a powerful post, Mary! well said.
thank you.
thank you, mary, for sharing all of these beautiful things that God has put onto your heart. He knew that you would be able to express yourself perfectly (because He has blessed you that way!).....and as always, He was right! :)
john 10:10 you are correct .. GOD does not do bad etc ... he takes what the thief has done and turns it for the good in some way shape or form. That gives me a sense of comfort.
Mary I am so glad to have found your blog. I love reading your insightful words, they lift and inspire me when all around me is (sometimes) chaos. God says in Psalm 139v16 "all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be" How tremendously comforting is that! He knows even the tough times and will guide us through! x
Mary, you really should put all these into a devotional book. They are all so profound and so good! I saw on Suzan's site where she met you. She was very excited about that. Her stuff is so wonderfully whacky and oh so colorful. Bet that was so fun!
Thank you for the post..Your words are such a help in my time of needing. It was so nice to meet you..
BEAUTIFUL!! Pulchritudeness(S.A.T. word LOL)
God in all His splendor is still magnificent in our best and worse times and I give Him a hallelujah praise for this post it is on time!! :)
Thank you for your post. I really needed it tonight, I just didn't realize it until after I read it. I feel a renewed sense of hope, that everything will work out...I'm not sure how, but God knows. (and it IS so hard to feel that hope sometimes, when things seem really dark-but it's what keeps me going)
Thanks for the comment on my new blog, and I hope you have a nice weekend!! (I keep thinking today is Friday..but almost)
so well-said, mary! i am one of those very blessed people who have a lot to be thankful for. although i had some hardships as a young adult i feel i have few trials and tribulations now. i often marvel at those who lose a child to death and still believe that god knows best. to me, that is true faith.
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