Today's spoke of how the ocean polishes the abundance of stones that pass through it. How they become smooth, soft to the touch, polished, and beautiful. But, the stones left untouched by the turmoil of the ocean's waves remain rough, unpolished, devoid of beauty - for polish is the result of difficulties.
Okay Lord, I see where you are going with this. I know the trials and stuff of life are for a purpose. I can see this when I read it in print, but it is harder to live it out day to day. I can loose sight of the fact that the trials have a purpose. I can get bitter, angry, hard, un- mold - able if I do not remember they are sifted through a loving hand that knows far more than I do.
"O blows that strike! O hurts that pierce
This fainting heart of mine!
What are you but the Master's tools.
Forming a work Divine?"
Nearly all of God's jewels are crystallized in tears.
This fainting heart of mine!
What are you but the Master's tools.
Forming a work Divine?"
Nearly all of God's jewels are crystallized in tears.
Thank you for sharing the devotional you read for today... what a great thought to remember during all the rough times!
Okay Mary I needed to hear this today. I had a day that was going just fine. I was getting ready for an appointment but my youngest child misplaced my keys so we could not go. I have been anticipating this luncheon for a month, we finally picked out the day then for it not to come together was very disappointing. Thankfully we will try to meet tomorrow. I will be guarding those keys tonight!
Hello! :) I stumbled upon you through Mystele...I LOVE your header...SO beautiful and such meaning! I tried to click on your flickr, but it doesn't work. Would you please tell me your screenname so I can search for you? Thanks!
Hi Darling Friend! It is so true, it is the trials that really make us stronger and more beautiful! It is only because I believe this so strongly that I am able to get through each day. Monday was treatment day and it was a very long treatment. For some reason my blood pressure wanted to act up and cause us trouble. I really dislike these few days that I have to go through, but maybe it is God's way of slowing me down. It is because I know that He knows best for me that I can endure.
Whit is home for the month and I love talking to her about her love for Jesus. It makes me feel so good to know that her desire is to serve HIM!
I love you,
PS~ God has placed a young man in her life (in picture) that has an incredible love for serving Christ. He is in Mobile this summer serving in a Inner City Ministry.
Thank you for this..God always sends us where we need to. If we only listen to him.
We have to go through the rough sometimes to get to the blessing. You are a blessing.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, the cards on the sidebar are mine. Go to my flickr album to see all of my Sermon Notes, and scroll back through old posts for details on more of them.
What a beautiful and needed reminder that we need from time to time!
Thanks Mary!
Oh, and thanks for stopping by my place :) You're such a sweetheart!
Oh my goodness.... I don't know if I told you about this young man, he is pursuing her. (They are talking, just don't understand relationships of young people anymore) Anyways, He is graduating with his masters from Auburn next May (same time as Whit) and he wants to go for two years and serve as a missionary. She is crazy about him and he seems the same. He wants her to meet his family before they say they are an item. Right now he is heading up an Inner City Missions program in Mobile, Alabama. Calls everynight to talk with her. Just pray that God's Will will be done!
Love you,
I love this book also. I have my mother's copy and I treasure it although I don't pick it up as much as I should. This post today is so true, our trials do have a divine purpose although we can't see that now.
So glad you are taking the class. You should be able to use these brush tools much easier than a calligraphy pen. Don't feel bad, it is extremely difficult for left handers to use a traditional calligraphy pen nib. But if you need any extra help just let me know and I will film a little video for you and and send it to you by email of me doing the letters with my left hand. They won't look very good but you can see the strokes. Let me know--I am more than happy to do that. I love making little movies.
I just read this and see that it was from Streams! It always has just what I need to hear for the day.
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