"Once we clearly acknowledge the soul, we can learn to hear it's cries. - Dallas Willard, Renovation Of The Heart."

It takes courage to pursue our dreams. It takes time and patience to unearth buried treasure. But I believe with all my heart that we must do both.


Quiet moments

It is the end of May, and the weather is wonderful today. Mild temperatures, gentle breezes, and low humidity.
Days such as this are not the norm. All too soon the Georgia heat and humidity hit and the draw to sit and read, contemplate and drink my beloved coffee fades.
So, I will enjoy it as long as it lasts. The front porch of my very, very old home is one of my favorite spots.
And maybe I'll switch to iced coffee.
I hope you take the time out of your busy days to quiet your heart. Our souls and bodies are in much need of times of refreshing.



Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Your porch is adorable! I would be out there all the time... when there wasn't that darn humidity. Love the red truck with the plant in the bed!!

The Charm House said...

I love this old porch and wish I was there with you sweet friend! Maybe soon we will have another visit!

Teri Leigh said...

Oh Mary, your porch looks just like a southern porch should. So comfortable and inviting. Maybe someday we can sit and have a cup of coffee together but not in the heat please.

The Charm House said...

Mary, Check my blog~ There is an award for you!

My Journey to Hope said...

Your porch looks so inviting! Please send me your address, because you won my Birthday Giveaway!

:) Michelle

Stacy said...

Hi Mary! I'm so sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner. I absolutely love your new banner and blog appearance. Beautiful painting! I have been extremely busy with the move, selling our house, etc and haven't been on the computer much. I am doing ok, just a little tired, but it will be worth it in the end. I will update my blog with details of what all is going on so that I don't sound like I am rambling in your comments section : )
Take care, and thank you for checking on me!

Marsha said...

May I please come perch on your porch! Oh wow! Love it!

laurel said...

I keep forgetting you live here in Georgia. It is starting to get hot and the ac is running. I am sitting here sipping my morning coffee and enjoying catching up on blogland. I have to say I love the name of your blog and how much you share of yourself.