I got back yesterday afternoon from an amazing adventure. I had the privilege of being part of a team that taught a retreat in Delaware this past Saturday. The theme was "Going Deeper with God" I taught on visual journaling and how God can use it in our lives to speak to our hearts. Lectio Divina (divine reading - reading with the heart) reading to hear what God is saying to us, was shared, as well as Solitude, (which is not the same thing as just being alone) The ladies then had a chance to create a journal page from what they were hearing from God.
First, I was blown away with the number God brought to the retreat. We expected around 30 or so women. God had a different number in mind. He brought 80!!!! Second, and I love this, some of the women really wondered why they were there. Some were thinking they really did not want to do this. God began to move and hearts were touched!!!
I think as women - no - not just women. I think we all do not take the time needed to be still before God. To take the time to explore our hearts. To look at the ways that the living of this life, with all the darts and arrows directed at our hearts affects us in the living of it. It is easier to stuff it all down deep and not think about it. But the stuffing usually begins to come out through little tears - or big rips when we least expect it. "To deny the pain is to hold on to it" it does not heal. God wants to heal our hearts, He is in the process of restoring our hearts, restoring us. He longs for the opportunity to do so. He is waiting for us to come to Him.
I am still processing the whole thing, God spoke to me too during the retreat. I am so thankful for even the hard things, because God has a way of turning them around and making something beautiful out of them. Not that the hard things are beautiful, they are not, but in God's hands they can be transformed.
Amazing Grace is an Amazing Post! I am so glad that you had the opportunity to share your wonderful gift this weekend! I know these ladies were truly blessed! I also know that in the giving you were truly blessed in receiving God's blessings through it. It is so exciting to watch you grow as an Artist and see God using you to serve HIM through ART!
Praise God for being able to serve Him in the most unusual of ways!
YES!!! that is so cool! guess what? i'm praying about doing something similar for our church's women's retreat. i have to give an answer by the end of the week. would you please pray that God will reveal whether I'm supposed to do this? thank you!
love this post Mary ... wish I could have taken the class to learn about visual journaling and how to use it with my walk .. im so struggling right now in so many areas of my life. I think that all the things that I have pushed deep are now starting to bubble just under the surface ... oh enough of my woes ... Im so excited for you that you had this opportunity to share with others!!
My dearest sister, I hear your heart singing with such joy having had this awesome experience...yes, the women were so blessed, but so were you. This is just the beginning of your work with God for I believe HE is grooming you for much more!! (((hugs))) My prayers are always with you sweetie!!
I am so glad to hear that God moved among the women at your retreat. Isn't that an awesome feeling? I want you to know that you are an excellent writer and your posts bless me every time.
Mary, this sounds SO extrordinally right on target for what I need in my life! More time with Him. I'd love to know more about your topic and about the concept of this retreat. Email me sometime when you get a chance.
You are being called by God for something here, my friend. I sense a passion in you.
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