"Once we clearly acknowledge the soul, we can learn to hear it's cries. - Dallas Willard, Renovation Of The Heart."

It takes courage to pursue our dreams. It takes time and patience to unearth buried treasure. But I believe with all my heart that we must do both.


Moving Forward

Good morning all, I have posted my first journal page of the new year. I want to try to do a page a day, but won't get to anal about it. I will allow myself the freedom of not thinking I am a failure if I don't accomplish my goal. But, I want to be moving towards completing it.

I was reading Margaret Becker's blog. (she is a wonderful singer/songwriter) She wrote, "Losing paper coverings are part of getting a whole new wardrobe of deep treasures. Endings are beginnings, if your hands are open, if you heart is open." (www.maggieb.com) I want a new wardrobe of deep treasures. The ones that last, not superficial ones that do not. I want to live a rich - meaning full, meaningful - life. One that is authentic, with my hands and heart open. Moving forward towards what God has planned for me. If you have not heard any of Margarets songs, you really must. Her most recent CD is really wonderful. She has a book titled "Coming Up For Air"
that is worth taking time to read as well.

Wishing you many blessings in moving forward!


Marsha said...

I really enjoy her music. I didn't realize she had a book as well. She's so gifted.

Thanks for your kind words today on my blog.

Blessings to you this day.

Seth said...

What a great spirit and sentiment in this post. And a wonderful journal page too! Happy new year!!

Dade said...

Hi, Sassy. It's been fun watching you grow over this past year, and a lot shows in your fantastic blog. Unlike almost everyone else, I get to see the artwork first hand! The best part of your art is the depth of meaning --- not just pretty pictures, and the self-discovery that is very transparent. I am eager to see what happens in 2009!
I love you,

thekathrynwheel said...

I just came across your blog - I love your journal pages - so inspirational! I checked you out on Flickr too. Lovely, lovely work :-) Kate

Trish said...

I just stopped by to say hi and to browse through your blog, it's lovely:) I feel the same way about what I want for this year, a meaningful life - I know I need to spend time praying more each day, and just trying to quiet my mind and be STILL for a bit.
I'm going to add your blog to my links so I don't forget to come back again!!