I was going to say good morning, but my Dad would have said, "ing" the morn is gone out of morning. I woke up with a terrible headache, so I am getting a slow start. Such is life at times.
Yesterday morning I was looking back through my journal. I came upon an entry from last February. At the time I was reading a book titled, "The Gift of Being Yourself" by David G. Benner. I have read several books by him and they are all very insightful. He quotes Basil Pennington and Thomas Merton.
"The core of the false self is the belief that my value depends on what I have, what I can do and what others think of me." -Basil Pennington
"Thomas Merton describes this as winding experiences around myself....like bandages in order to make myself perceptible to myself and to the world, as if I were an invisible body that could only become visible when something invisible covered its surface."
As women especially, though I know it is true for men as well, we can get so concerned with the outside appearance of ourselves, others, and things that we forget that the true person lies underneath, inside. How much effort do we spend on cultivating that outside face instead of our hearts??? Do I want to look good? Yes! Do I want to have good and growing relationships? Yes! Do I want beauty around me? Yes! (I am a very visual person) Do I want others to think well of me??? Oh yes!!! But I am praying that this coming year is a year of going deeper with God. That I concentrate more on my heart, my motives, the real me. And to not be afraid that she will be good enough, because I have been made "good enough" accepted as I am because of Jesus Christ. But though I am accepted as I am, I am not left here. God continues to pursue me and change me little by little into my real self. What an adventure life is. Not always comfortable to be sure, but it can be rich and good.
Wishing you all many blessings in the New Year!!!
Mary, this was such a thought provoking post I know there are so many areas of my life I need to change...for one making more time to be in God's word. That should and will become the most important thing in my life...finding a home Church is first on this list. Being in fellowship with those in a Church is something I've really missed since moving from Berryville. I've visited several in this area, but I think I'm fooling myself (perhaps I'm listening to satan) when I say it's just too difficult to get up and down in those little old Churches..How dare I put my comfort first...so dear sister, my life needs to take on a humbleness in my walk with God...I love you sister..
A very inspirational post Mary. I just wanted to thank you, your comments mean so much to me. What a lovely person and wonderful supportive online friend you are. Have a wonderful New Year sweetie!
Great post, Mary. I'm with you... be real, be intentionally focused on growing in Him.
Happy New Year.
have you read "the ragamuffin gospel" by brennan manning? i'm reading it now and this post reminds me of something i just read there. also, he quotes pennington and recommends his book "centering prayer: renewing an ancient christian prayer form" (in case you're interested)
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