"Once we clearly acknowledge the soul, we can learn to hear it's cries. - Dallas Willard, Renovation Of The Heart."

It takes courage to pursue our dreams. It takes time and patience to unearth buried treasure. But I believe with all my heart that we must do both.


deconstructing and reconstructing

I have been messing around with adding elements and images I like to my existing journal pages.
It's been a lot of fun to take things apart and rearrange them in new and different ways. 







Rosie said...

I like it, love it in fact. The elegant simplicity of what you do always makes beautifully perfect sense. I like re-using elements too - I sometimes colour copy some of my journal pages in order to recycle a pattern or image.

Patricia Carter said...

I like what you have done with this. The flower changes it completely.
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Suzan Baker said...

The visual effect of these images is incredible.
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اريستون said...

تعرف علي خدمات توكيل اريستون في صيانة السخانات والغسلات والثلاجات بافضل خدمات للصيانة وغيرها حيث الدقه في التصليح ومع تعاقدك مع توكيل امريكول ستجد انك قد تم ضم كل طرق الاصلاح وحصلت علي الخدمات المختلفه لجهازك ويوجد ايضا جميع متطلبات جهازك لدي توكيل كاريير وستجد جميع الحلول للاجهزه مع طلبك رقم المركز فقط