"Once we clearly acknowledge the soul, we can learn to hear it's cries. - Dallas Willard, Renovation Of The Heart."

It takes courage to pursue our dreams. It takes time and patience to unearth buried treasure. But I believe with all my heart that we must do both.


covers and days

 front cover of 31 Days of Praise journal

back of cover

working in it each day

i will be using this book on an ongoing basis, beginning again each month.  
there is room for more thoughts and insights, and i figure when i run out of room
i will just add a post it note or paper.  i want this to be a record of my journey
in learning to praise in all things...


katie purcell said...

Dug out my copy of 31 Days of Praise.
Thank you for sharing what God is doing in your life. Will get a little book out that I started preparing 2 years ago for a journal and finish up the backgrounds. Can't wait to count my pages to see if they add up to 31 too.

You are using your gifts for His glory and helping other women made with creativity to do the same.

Jennifer Richardson said...

I love the idea
of a praise and worship journal!
ohhhhhhhhh, it hurts i love it
so much!!!

Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

How awesome....I am praying for your dream and that God will see it come to pass...what an awesome vision

Now who doesn't need 31 days of Praise? I sure do...great journal pages

rachel awes said...

i love this truly n mary n singly.

LeeAnn@Encouragement Is Contagious said...

A Praise Journal is such a wonderful idea. I've been keeping a blessings/thank you list but I love this idea even more. I wish I were better at organizing my schedule so I could add in art journal pages each day like you do Mary! More than that, I wish I could just come meet you for coffee.

These are beautiful pages from your heart!

♥Lee Ann

Mary said...

Lee Ann, can you take sometime and create a few backgrounds, so they are ready to jouenal on? I find that much easier and quicker when I don't have to create the whole page in one sitting.

Introverted Art said...

a praise journal is an amazing idea. And your pages look beautiful